Beato Traffic and Driving School

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No Lines, No Appointments, No Hassle!

Test Preparation & Driving Exams

Success Rate

The Florida driving test is the last thing standing between you and your first license, but don’t worry. To help calm your nerves on test day, our experienced driving instructors are here to equip you with what to expect on the Florida driving test and what skills you’ll be expected to demonstrate. During our class, our top-rated driving professionals will patiently break down Florida’s right-of-way laws and traffic signs, how to change lanes safely, ensure you drive a safe distance from the car in front of you, and ace the drug and alcohol course. We recommend you spend some time in the vehicle you’ll be using during your driver’s test. You’ll feel more comfortable behind the wheel, considering you’ve practiced driving and operating the controls on that particular car. Before beginning your driving test, your car will undergo a standard inspection to ensure the headlights, horn, windshield wipers, and brake lights are functioning as intended. Here’s what else you can expect:

  • Three-point turn
  • Straight-in parking
  • Parking on a grade
  • Stopping quickly and safely
  • Backing up in a straight line
  • Signaling and turning
  • Passing
  • Coming to a complete stop at stop signs

Course Certification

Success Rate

Beato Traffic and Driving School offer state-authorized defensive driving courses that prioritize safety above all else. Our courses are not only fun and interactive, but will educate our drivers on how to improve their driving habits to best avoid costly collisions and unexpected moving violations. In order to save you time, we have condensed our programs and offer the shortest course that still meet state requirements for ticket dismissal. Ready to get back on the road? Call us today to get started.

No hidden fees

Drivers are humans, so it’s natural that innocent mistakes happen. Beato Traffic and Driving School is a way to keep a moving violation from tarnishing your driving record, having your ticket forgiven, and even getting a discount on your insurance. Whether you’ve received a court order from the State of Florida, accumulated too many points on your license, or simply trying to avoid any points, take the next steps with Beato Traffic and Driving School.